
About the Documentary
Behind the scenes photos
Chicks Hatching
Media Coverage
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Learn more about the emu and the industry at these links

American Emu Association
Dino Meat - Neil and Lois Williams' farm in Tennessee - buy USDA meat, AEA Certified oil, and much more (see more pictures on the "Behind the Scenes" page)
LB Processors - Certified emu oil processing facility (see more pictures on the "Behind the Scenes" page)
Red Oak Farm - Emu bones, as well as everything else!
The Eggery Place - Buy emu, ostrich, rhea, and cassowary eggs and egging supplies
A great education site (Australian) about the emu, with a lot of pictures and sound bites!
Emu Today and Tomorrow - industry magazine.  Look out for the feature article about the film in the November 2005 issue!
More links to come - email me to ask that a link be added.
